Celebrity Service Welcome Back

Geoff Ramm


About the Session


Right now is the time for you and your team to create the moments clients and customers will remember forever (please note this applies to all businesses, in all sectors, not just hospitality).

Your Celebrity Service 'Welcome Back Strategy' features 'Live Sessions' for your team, the 'Experience Toolkit' to maintain momentum, 'Personalised Inbox Videos' and of course the '2nd Edition Book'. 

Celebrity Service helps you uncover the the gap in your customer service you never knew existed. The gap that if you fill, your customers can’t touch you for…

Like you, Geoff Ramm, the creator and author of Celebrity Service and OMG Marketing, knows that great customer service leads to lucrative, repeat business but a greater experience leads to global recognition.

So how can you design a customer experience that has you talked about for decades to come?

Geoff knows the Jedi Mind Trick to make you craved by your customers, envied by your competitors and raved about in your industry.

Key Take Away:

In his interactive keynotes, your audience will not only discover out-of-this-world ideas, they will come up with them and be excited to implement them too.

Want to find out more?

Watch Geoff in action here

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