Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

What Our Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing Sessions Offer

Our sales and marketing experts can help you manage teams remotely, sell remotely, help build sales resilience and how to sell during challenging times - see some of our speakers below.


Tony Morris |

Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

Selling in Challenging Times

Learn how to: Developing a routine | Create a knowledge bible | Create a prospect hitlist | Develop your client and hitlist knowledge| Content creation, Plus much more.


Simon Hazeldine |

Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

Managing Remote Sales Teams 

How to manage sales teams in the new reality. Establishing a cadence virtual / remote sales performance rituals. How to manage sales pipelines and sales forecasts effectively.


Michael Licenblat |

Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

Building Sales Resilience 

Michael provides practical techniques how to bounce back from from sales setbacks so that you can remain motivated and productive to hit sales targets faster.


Simon Hazeldine |

Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

Selling Successfully to Clients (Remotely, Virtually and Digitally) 

How to manage sales priorities, being proactive, being different, developing relationships at a distance, gaining access to decision-makers virtually, using the right medium for the right contact.

Vanessa Ugatti |

Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

How To Get Paid Your True Worth 

Learn how to have the right conversations with the right clients at the right time in order to get paid your true worth.

Bernadette McClelland |

Sales, Marketing & Digital Marketing

Mastering Influence

Learn about the psychology of B2B selling in order to master your influence with every buyer.