Change Without Fear

Marty Wilson


About the Session


COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and, right now, the “new normal” in business is there is absolutely nothing normal about business. With hourly changes to government strategy, legislation, which businesses are allowed to stay trading, even where we can and cannot go in our local community, it’s no wonder that we are all fearful and already totally exhausted.

An enormous competitive advantage in business right now, and for the next 12-18 months, will be having employees who can maintain a calm sense of focus through the relentlessly accelerating pace of change. 

In his digital presentations, Behaviour Change Expert Marty Wilson passes on his psychologically proven strategies for how to acknowledge, validate and work through the fear you and your people are all feeling. And to help them build their resilience and maintain productivity through the emotional rollercoaster ride that is our current reality.

He is a gifted Professional Speaker, Founder of the International Business Resilience Summit, and an “Australian Comedian of the Year” who is a regular on Australian TV - so he is completely at home working down the barrel of a camera lens. This unlikely combination makes his digital programs more than just a “speech done on video", but a memorable event. Marty’s high content programs, generously spiked with humour, are all filled with actionable strategies that can be implemented immediately.

Key Take Away:

In his inspirational and hilarious digital keynotes, Marty teaches your people how to:

  • Understand why our brains fear change, and why we need to help our people through this FIRST, then they can accept more complex information - “You can’t train people who are terrified.”

  • Accept constant change as a necessary, even exciting, part of business and life - “When you refuse to change, you don’t hold onto the past you just lose the future.”

  • Better lead people through difficult periods, and how to handle their own stress while staying productive AND positive.

  • Stop hanging on to the old ways - “Because We’ve Always Done It That Way Is No Reason To Keep Doing Anything.”

  • Be more resilient through the inevitable tough times.

  • Understand all businesses and lives have difficult days, the key to success is to “Do Pain Well.”

  • Inspire and lead teams with humour and humanity, not fear and control.

  • Take total responsibility for your own behaviour and results.

  • Base daily decisions on deeper values and long-term goals.

Filled with scientific insights and deep humanity, Marty’s keynotes will leave your people calmer, more inspired, and confident about striding into our uncertain future.

Want to find out more?

Watch Marty in action here.

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