How To Connect With Clarity And Confidence

Kerrie Phipps


About the Session


Lead your team/customers and build community in times of uncertainty and isolation

Social isolation and loneliness has been the focus of many studies across the developed world over the past decade, and addressing this in practical ways is more essential than ever.

Key Take Away:

How to stay connected and effective while working remotely, or in a workplace environment, reaching out to remote teams and customers.

  1. How to build and demonstrate leadership in difficult situations by providing clarity and exuding authentic confidence.

  2. What is going on in the brain and how to manage strong emotions and enable clear thinking.

Recent discoveries in social cognitive neuroscience have helped us create tools for managing threats to clear thinking, decision making and human connection, and how to build connection and community. Difficult times can be the catalyst for powerful, deep and lasting connections.

Participants will also be given access to timely resources including the ASKING Model - for Connecting with Anyone, Anywhere from the book Do Talk to Strangers.

Want to find out more?

Watch Kerrie in action here

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