Brand Story Academy - Communicating With Purpose
Jonathan Creek
About the Session
In troubled times we know from experience that the best way to stay in business is to continually let people know you are still in business.
And with home isolations being the order of the day the clearest way to communicate is online, and more specifically with video online.
More effective than telling people what you can do for them is to show them how you can help.
You won’t avoid the downturn by curling up in a ball and hoping it all goes away - but you can minimise the impact, grow your contacts list, make connections and spread your message by empowering yourself, your partners and or your workforce with the skills and strategies required to deliver an impact using video whilst also removing any of the risks to you or your business.
Jonathan Creek is an awarding winning investigative journalist, a lead curriculum consultant for RMIT’s International Business school and a leading voice on what makes content spread.
Key Take Away:
From his purpose built home studio he can teach you how to tell your own story in a way that delivers real business outcomes.
Clarify your message for heightened impact and influence.
Establish your Rules of Engagement so that no post falls on deaf ears.
Learn how to tell an infectious story that the brain can’t resist.
How to hold a viewers attention, again and again and again.
And the key to growing an audience and as a result influence by triggering an instinctive physical response.
Want to find out more?
Watch Jonathan in action here