Future Focussed
What Our Future Focussed Sessions Offer
Intrigued about the future and what it may hold, want to learn about insights and how to steal a lead on your competition? Check out talks from some of the leading Futurists below.
Chris Simmance |
Future Focussed
The Future Can be Brighter Than You Think
Chris Simmance will help you and your staff see light at the end of the tunnel and usher in a new age of working reform whilst maintaining a positive outlook.
Allister Frost |
Future Focussed
You’re Ready Already
Drawing on his experience with Microsoft, Allister shares advice on how to thrive in ambiguity so audience members realise they are ReadyAlready™ for the radical transformations being thrust upon us.
Andrew Grill |
Future Focussed
Disrupt or be Disrupted
This session covers what digital disruption actually is, how companies can prepare for disruption and tips on talking with your board about the issues.