Mastering Influence

The Psychology of B2B Selling

Bernadette McClelland


About the Session


How can you influence your buyer if you can’t influence yourself first

In today’s business environment, numbers and targets are harder to achieve, buyers are harder to contact, and competition is harder to beat.  Add to that the hybrid environment we find ourselves in and it’s no wonder The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting is gracing a business’ front doorstep.  How do you reframe your thinking and shift up those internal stories so that you can master your influence with every buyer.

Key Take Aways:

Bernadette will step you through these 3 Identity Shifts necessary to master influence, help you play the long game and succeed in your business growth.

  • It’s not about being liked by your buyer, it’s about being respected

  • If you don’t respect money, then why should money respect you

  • Identify how you buy so you can adjust how you sell

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